Dependency Inversion Principle in Functional TypeScript

A sure way to decouple modules and write testable code.

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This is part five of a five-part series about SOLID principles in functional TypeScript.

What is the Dependency Inversion Principle?

The dependency inversion principle (DIP) is one of the five SOLID principles. It states that:

"One should depend upon abstractions, not concretions."

Whenever a module relies on an abstraction (interface or abstract class) as dependency, that dependency can be swapped for another implementation, like a plugin. Therefore, decoupling the module from its dependency.

Also, any module that solely uses dependency inversion can be unit tested since its dependencies can be substituted for mocks.

Let's take a look at an example!

With Traditional Dependency

Let's build a SignupService that uses an HttpClient as data source, like so:

Traditional dependency

Starting with the HttpClient:

// infra/HttpClient.ts
import axios from "axios";

export default {
  createUser: async (user: User) => {
    return* ... */);
  getUserByEmail: async (email: string) => {
    return axios.get(/* ... */);

And we use it this way in our domain logic:

// domain/SignupService.ts
import HttpClient from "infra/HttpClient"; // ❌ the domain depends on a concretion from the infra

export async function signup(email: string, password: string) {
  const existingUser = await HttpClient.getUserByEmail(email);

  if (existingUser) {
    throw new Error("Email already used");

  return HttpClient.createUser({ email, password });

This isn't ideal. We have just created a dependency from our domain to an implementation detail (HTTP) - crossing an architectural boundary and thus violating the Dependency Rule.

Furthermore, because signup is coupled with HttpClient, signup can't be unit tested. After all, the HttpClient implies HTTP calls... So, how can we solve this? How can we mock HttpClient?

Let's reimplement it with dependency inversion this time!

With Dependency Inversion

We're going to decouple SignupService and HttpClient. It's going to look like this:

Dependency inversion

First, using an interface, let's define the abstraction that will act as the dependency between the domain and the infrastructure:

// domain/ApiClient.ts
export interface ApiClient {
  createUser: (user: User) => Promise<void>;
  getUserByEmail: (email: string) => Promise<User>;
  // ...

We then implement that ApiClient at the infrastructure level:

// infra/HttpClient.ts
import axios from "axios";
import ApiClient from "domain/ApiClient";

export function HttpClient(): ApiClient {
  return {
    createUser: async (user: User) => {
      return* ... */);
    getUserByEmail: async (email: string) => {
      return axios.get(/* ... */);

Finally, we can use an ApiClient abstraction in our domain logic:

// domain/SignupService.ts
import ApiClient from "domain/ApiClient"; // ✅ the domain depends on an abstraction of the infra

export function SignupService(client: ApiClient) {
  return async (email: string, password: string) => {
    const existingUser = await client.getUserByEmail(email);

    if (existingUser) {
      throw new Error("Email already used");

    return client.createUser({ email, password });

With the power of dependency inversion, our SignupService can now use any ApiClient. Let's inject our HttpClient for now:

// index.ts
import SignupService from "domain/signup";
import HttpClient from "infra/HttpClient";

const signup = SignupService(HttpClient());

signup("", "pwd123");

Also, thanks to dependency inversion, SignupService is now testable!

Writing Tests

Let's implement ApiClient again but with an in-memory data source instead of a remote one.

// infra/InMemoryClient.ts
import ApiClient from "domain/ApiClient";

export function InMemoryClient(): ApiClient {
  const users: User[] = [];

  return {
    createUser: async (user: User) => {
    getUserByEmail: async (email: string) => {
      return users.find((user) => === email);

With InMemoryClient acting as a mock, let's write some tests:

// tests/SignupService.spec.ts
import SignupService from "domain/signup";
import InMemoryClient from "infra/InMemoryClient";

let signup: ReturnType<typeof SignupService>;

beforeEach(() => {
  signup = SignupService(InMemoryClient());

test("it should signup a user", async () => {
  await expect(signup("", "pwd123")).resolves.toBe(undefined);

test("it should fail to signup the same email twice", async () => {
  await signup("", "pwd123");
  await expect(signup("", "pwd987")).rejects.toThrow(
    new Error("Email already used")

How great is this?

Not only did we manage to unit test SignupSevice but we allowed it to use any ApiClient as data source. Simply by implementing the interface, we could draw from a database instead, or a third-party API.

Dependency inversion is amazing. But, as with anything, it is a tool and not every dependency should be inverted. It would turn our software into an incomprehensible mess of over-abstracted components otherwise. Use it when needed, no more, no less.

More on SOLID principles

Alex Nault
By Alex Nault
I write bite-sized articles for developers